Hello, beautiful souls, and welcome to another blog post. This post is all about the key takeaways from my weekend at the Abraham Hicks workshop. So let’s dive right into it.

Key Takeaway 1: The Focus on Romantic Relationships

On the first day, the workshop was fully immersed in discussions about romantic relationships. I have to admit, I was getting a bit annoyed and frustrated because every question was about relationships. You see, my romantic life is pretty great. I wanted to focus on different things like self-love or confidence.

This experience made me realize that for many people, romantic relationships are the most difficult part of their lives to handle. A lot of people might have figured out how to make money, but finding the right partner seems elusive.

One thing that struck me is how money, regardless of whether it’s dollars, euros, or even cryptocurrencies, is generally considered good as long as it’s earned. If it’s not blood money, then it’s all good. But romantic relationships aren’t like that. You can’t just say every potential partner is a match for you.

So, in my frustration, I found myself laughing at how annoyed I was getting. I realized that I was grateful to have already tackled this area of my life. Relationships are an ongoing journey, but I no longer see it as work. I love growing and communicating with my partner.

Key Takeaway 2: The Lesson in Frustration

Frustration is something I’ve learned to handle better over time. Initially, you might think you’re mastering the law of attraction and all the life hacks, but then situations arise that throw you off balance. The good thing is that these frustrational episodes have become shorter for me. Previously, my upbringing conditioned me to push through frustration. But now, I recognize that if something doesn’t align with me, I shouldn’t force it.

It’s interesting because living in a community offers many mirrors. You see what annoys you, what brings you joy, and you can work on those things immediately if you wish. At the workshop, even amid my frustration, I laughed when I found myself screwing things up while Abraham was emphasizing the need to focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want.

Key Takeaway 3: Speed of Manifestation

I had an interesting question that I didn’t ask during the workshop: “How can I manifest more quickly?” Every question I thought of seemed too small, and it got answered indirectly anyway.

When I got back home, I visualized sitting in the hot seat and asking Abraham this question. During my visualization, I channeled Abraham in my mind and felt like I was actually having a conversation. Unlike the real workshop, where Abraham didn’t let people finish their sentences, my imagined Abraham was patient and held space for me.

As I was visualizing and talking about the slow pace of the conversations at the workshop, it hit me. The entire day had been a lesson showing me why things in my life were moving slowly. The frustration I felt was a magnifying glass on my life’s pace, showing me that I was focusing on why things hadn’t happened yet instead of having faith that they would.

Key Takeaway 4: Changing Frequencies and Feeling Good

When thinking about getting into a new relationship or improving an existing one, it’s essential to focus on feeling good rather than dwelling on what’s lacking. For instance, if you’ve been single and feel lonely, try imagining what being in a relationship feels like. Picture coming home to someone, sharing your day, having dinner together, and falling asleep in each other’s arms.

This specific visualization helps shift your focus from loneliness to togetherness. At the workshop, it was evident how words might say one thing, but the energy behind them tells a different story. This tangible understanding was invaluable.

Key Takeaway 5: Operating from a Place of Power

This takeaway wasn’t explicitly given by Abraham but by observing her teachings in action. It’s about making choices from a position of power and staying true to your authentic self. In relationships, if your partner wants you to change in ways that don’t align with who you are, it’s crucial to stand your ground. Shine your light and be unwavering in your desires. When you cave to others’ wants, you dim your light and become less attractive to them. Authenticity is key in love and life.

These were my five key takeaways from the Abraham Hicks workshop in Amsterdam on June 15-16, 2024. If you found any value in this, please like, comment, and share your thoughts or experiences if you attended the workshop. Don’t forget to hit that subscribe button for more insights and updates. Much love, and see you next time!

