Hello, beautiful souls, and welcome to another exploration into the mystical and transformative. Today, we’re diving into a subject that’s both intriguing and revolutionary—timeline shifting. This is not your usual episode; it’s a completely different one, not just in the way it looks but also in what it entails. My guides have nudged me to share my own experiences with timeline shifting, and so here we are. I was almost ready to record an episode on numerology and the life path number five, but that can wait for another day.

What Is Timeline Shifting?

You’ve probably heard people discussing this topic more frequently nowadays. Although it’s an ancient concept, timeline shifting seems to be gaining renewed attention. Others, like influencers, are also talking about it, which is helping it gather more momentum. As Vadim Zealand would put it, “the pendulum is getting bigger”—though he would say it in Russian!

The Basics of Timeline Shifting

Timeline shifting involves moving from one reality to another, often a more desirable one. Imagine you’re on one path, but there’s another, perhaps brighter route, parallel to yours. By shifting timelines, you can step into that more favorable reality.

My Personal Timeline Shifting Journey

The Struggles Before the Shift

For the past year—or more accurately, the last nine months—I’ve been hustling to secure freelance gigs. I tried multiple freelance platforms, leveraging my skills as an app and web developer. I can build almost anything from scratch, from games to web3 applications. Despite my skill set, nothing seemed to land. It was incredibly frustrating because everyone kept telling me, “Guys like you should be in high demand!”

The Turning Point

That’s when I decided to turn to my pendulum for guidance, a practice I incorporate into my morning routine alongside meditation. This routine helps me center myself and opens up channels for divine guidance.

Divining with the Pendulum

I usually start by asking open-ended questions like, “Is there anything you want to tell me?” and then proceed with yes or no questions. While this may sound time-consuming, it actually goes pretty quickly. This time, the pendulum advised me to change up my manifestation routine. Here’s what I did:

  1. Eleven Days of Meditation and Visualization: Every day for eleven days, I did a meditation routine that lasted eleven minutes each day.
  2. Using a Tuning Fork: Each minute, I struck a tuning fork with a specific frequency. I found a YouTube video that matched this requirement—likely the 1111 meditation music, lasting one hour, eleven minutes, and eleven seconds.
  3. Affirmations: During this meditation, I affirmed phrases like, “I’m on my richest timeline,” or “I’m on my healthiest timeline.”

The Manifestation Process and Results

After completing the eleven days, I asked my pendulum, “Am I on my new timeline yet?” Eventually, it said yes. It was around this time that unexpected opportunities started manifesting.

One day, someone reached out to me about joining a new football (soccer) team. This reconnection led to an impromptu freelance job offer. Before I knew it, I was working as a freelancer for them—a job that I truly enjoy.

Recognizing Patterns and Lessons

The whole experience was surreal. Before this timeline shift, I had four job opportunities fall through at the last moment. Each time, I was told, “You got the job,” only to have it evaporate soon after. I began questioning whether this line of work was meant for me. Interestingly, I had been passive at times, waiting for the Universe to deliver my riches without proactive effort. But something in my new routine clicked, putting me back on track.

“I truly felt like I could work here and this would really work for me. But I also felt if I’m not the guy they are hiring, then this is not for me.”

Patience and Faith

Although my monetary buffer was dwindling, I had faith that everything happens for a reason. Even when my circumstances were tough, I trusted the process. I knew deep down that the right opportunity would manifest, and it did.

The Bigger Picture and Future Plans

Launching a Timeline Shifting Course

With my newfound knowledge and experience, I believe it’s time to share this transformative process with others. I plan to launch a course on timeline shifting, tentatively priced at €11 or $11. This will be an initial offer for subscribers, likely to be reevaluated as the course evolves.

Objectives of the Course

  1. Accessibility: Making sure it’s affordable so more people can benefit.
  2. Practicality: Ensuring the course provides actionable steps that can be easily integrated into daily life.
  3. Pilot Group: Running a small pilot group to test the course’s effectiveness.

Why Charge for the Course?

Charging a small fee ensures commitment. As Abraham Hicks has pointed out, people are more likely to take something seriously if they invest in it. This not only helps in valuing the material but also ensures active participation.

Integrating Passion and Profession

My freelance work aligns perfectly with my passion for creating and being productive. While this timeline shift has been a major one, I aim to balance my freelance gigs with my spiritual and educational pursuits through this channel. The goal is to make my passion projects my primary focus while still engaging in fulfilling freelance work.

Moving Forward

For those interested, subscribe to the channel to stay updated and benefit from future discounts. This journey is just beginning, and I’m excited about the growth and changes ahead. Translating my experiences into valuable content for all of you is my ultimate goal.

Final Thoughts

Your support means the world to me, whether you’re a long-time follower or a newcomer. Thank you for being part of this journey and for your unwavering support. Together, we can explore these amazing concepts and impact each other’s lives positively.

Stay tuned for more updates, and don’t forget to share your experiences and thoughts in the comments!

Much love from me, and I’ll see you guys next time. Bye!
