Hello, beautiful souls! Welcome to another blog post. I’m your host, David. Today we will dive deep into the Law of Choices for those with the Life Path number 11. So, this is for the eleven-two, the 29/11, the three-eight-one, and the four-seven-one. While these types of Life Path numbers are unique in their respects, they all share this significant law—the Law of Choices.

Understanding the Law of Choices

The Law of Choices is exactly what it sounds like—it is about making choices. It’s as basic as deciding whether to go left or right. This might seem simplistic, but the implications are profound. This law encourages you to reflect on how you are making your decisions in life. Are you making choices that expand your horizon and make you happier, or are they contracting and making you less happy?

Another question to ponder: Are these choices genuinely yours, or have they been ingrained in you by your upbringing, school, or societal expectations?

Exploring Personal Examples

Let’s start with a personal example because, as an eleven-two myself, this method resonates well with me and perhaps with you too. When making a choice, I often think, “Does this expand me, or does this contract me?” In other words, does this make me happy or less happy?

The Energy Fields of Elevens

For those unfamiliar, Life Path 11s are energy beings. While every person has an energy field that’s approximately this big, the energy field for elevens is twice as extensive. This phenomenon is likely why you might get shivers when someone enters your energy field, even if they are as far away as another car on the opposite side of the road.

Choices and Creativity

A key aspect of being an eleven is the necessity for creative expression. For instance, I once worked at a job where I could express my creativity. However, routine office work from nine to five stifled my creativity and caused my energy to plummet. But working in a dynamic environment with a high-energy team allowed my creativity to flourish even in routine tasks.

Personal Routine and Freedom

Take today, for instance. I chose to sleep in and not set an alarm because I was up late due to a channeling session with Daniel Scranton in a different time zone. This freedom in making personal choices is crucial for my creativity and positive energy levels. After my morning channeling session, I went for a walk, enjoying the sunshine—another deliberate choice contributing to my happiness and well-being.

The Importance of Self-Awareness

One of the most significant insights from my journey was realizing how judgmental elevens can be towards themselves. You might notice discrepancies in your standards for yourself compared to others. This is because being an eleven, you naturally have higher standards for yourself, which can lead to internal judgment and insecurities.

The Impact of External Opinions

When creating these videos or engaging in any activity, like walking down the street, I often imagine what others might think. This can be a huge distraction and sometimes even paralyzing.

“You’re not being judged by people; you’re being judged by the Universe.” – Abraham Hicks

This statement from Abraham Hicks was a game-changer for me. Instead of focusing on external judgments, I now try to see myself through the eyes of the Source, realizing that it views me with love and compassion, absent of judgment.

Practical Tips for Elevens

  1. Reflect Daily on Your Choices: Take time each day to reflect on the choices you’ve made. Evaluate each choice: Is it made out of love and joy, or is it driven by external expectations?
  2. Make a Choice List: Write down the choices you make daily and categorize them based on whether they energize or deplete you.
  3. Meditation and Mindfulness: Engaging in these practices will help you gain clarity and align your choices with your true self.
  4. Set Intentions: Before starting any activity or segment of your day, set a clear intention of what you want to achieve or feel.
  5. Align with Your Values: Ensure your choices align with your core values and life purpose.
  6. Creative Expression: Make room for creativity in your daily routine and avoid activities that stifle your creative energy.

The Importance of Healthy Living

As an eleven, you have immense creative energy. If you find yourself engaging in activities like excessive drinking, drug use, or any other addictive behaviors, it’s crucial to re-evaluate these choices. Over the years, I’ve noticed a significant shift in my energy levels since I stopped drinking alcohol and using drugs. My baseline energy has dramatically increased, leading to a more consistent and vibrant lifestyle.

Thrive Off Creative Energy

Redirect your creativity into positive outlets. Whether it’s creating art, writing, inventing, or any other passion, funnel your energy towards creation rather than destruction. This aligns with maintaining a lifestyle that boosts your energy and creativity.

Segment Intending

One of the most powerful lessons from Abraham Hicks is the concept of “segment intending.” Break your day into segments, and before each one, set a clear intention of what you want to achieve. This practice keeps you focused and channels your energy effectively.

Embracing Your Path

Your journey as an eleven is unique and filled with boundless opportunities for growth and creativity. Remember to stay aligned with your values, set intentions, and reflect on your choices. The world needs your unique gifts.

Whenever you say yes to something, you’re saying no to other things. Be deliberate about your choices, aligning them with your true desires and life purpose.

Final Thoughts

I hope this blog post brings clarity and inspiration to your journey as a Life Path 11. Embrace your choices, align them with your values, and continue creating a life filled with joy and expansion.

Much love, and see you in the next post!
