Hello, beautiful souls! Welcome to another episode of our journey toward self-discovery and authenticity. I’m David, and this episode is about being your true, authentic self. It’s a personal story that resonates deeply with what I’m currently experiencing. For those who have seen a few videos already, you’ll know I’m engaged in a channeling course by Daniel Scranton. I’ve completed two lessons so far, with the third one coming up at the end of this month – around the 26th or 27th of January.

The Struggle of Explaining My Journey

I’ve faced challenges explaining to people what it is that I am doing. I asked about this in one of my earlier videos, and I got some encouraging responses. One piece of advice that stood out was to start by explaining things at a basic level and gradually build up to the details. So, instead of diving right into communicating with extraterrestrial beings, I should start with more familiar concepts and ease into the more complex ones.

Seeking Guidance and Finding Answers

After posing that question, I found myself drawn to various resources on channeling, particularly on Gaia. I watched plenty of Bashar and discovered many new channels, though their names escape me now. What mattered was the richness of the content and the various styles of channeling I encountered. It was eye-opening to see the diverse ways people connect and channel.

Embracing Different Styles of Channeling

Seeing different approaches to channeling was fascinating. Most people I encountered channeled with their eyes closed, some could walk while channeling, others kept their eyes open, and a few repeated what they channeled after initially saying it. At first, I was uncertain about finding my style, but the more I watched, the more I embraced the uniqueness of each method. If my style evolved into something different, that was perfectly okay. It’s the content and the message that truly matter.

Overcoming Creative Blocks

The past few weeks have been a journey of watching numerous videos and battling creative blocks. My focus was scattered at work, leading me to delay making and posting videos. However, I realized the importance of pushing through these blocks. Not every piece of content will be perfect, but consistency and persistence are key. Even if a video isn’t my best, it still holds value for someone out there.

“Keep posting, keep going. That’s what’s important here.”

Finding My Voice in Social Circles

Speaking about channeling can be daunting, especially in social scenarios. Recently, I was at a party and decided to share my interests in channeling, numerology, meditation, and more. Initially, it felt too spiritual, but as conversations progressed, I realized that my passion resonated more than I anticipated. My girlfriend often reminds me how immersed I am in spiritual practices, and it’s comforting to receive such affirmations.

Normalizing Channeling in Everyday Life

Channeling has become an integral part of my daily routine. I channel every morning, incorporating lessons from Daniel Scranton’s course. It’s a blend of following guided instructions and adding my personal touch to the process. Sometimes, my sessions stretch longer, especially when I’m deeply immersed. The routine grounds me, allowing me to connect deeply during my sessions.

Channeling and Automatic Writing

An interesting shift in my process has been incorporating automatic writing after my channeling sessions. Pausing the guided session, I begin to type out messages, often from the Arcturians, and it’s a practice I enjoy immensely. Even if these messages are personal, they contain profound insights and guidance tailored to my journey.

Dragon NFT Project

One of the unique projects I’m working on is a Dragon NFT collection. Inspired by conversations and personal channeling sessions, this collection comprises 888 dragons, balanced between good and bad, male and female, and adorned in vivid colors. Creating these dragons has been a blend of art and spirituality, and I aim to launch them on February 28th. The messages I received during channeling assured me of the importance and success of this project, encouraging me to focus on creation rather than marketing.

Connecting with the Community

My engagement with the crypto community has deepened through this project. While I used to be heavily involved in the tech side of things, sharing the spiritual aspect of my work is relatively new. It’s a fascinating blend of two worlds, and I’m eager to see where this journey takes me.

If you’re into crypto, I’m creating an allow list for those interested in minting one of these exclusive Dragon NFTs. Feel free to share your Solana address in the comments!

Impactful Channeling Sessions

My channeling sessions have led to valuable insights, including creating content for people dealing with panic attacks. This idea came to me unexpectedly and took shape quickly. Although it’s still a work in progress, the potential impact feels monumental. The Arcturians reassured me that such projects, even small ones, hold the power to create significant change.

Spiritual Growth and Sharing the Journey

My spiritual journey feels more authentic and integrated into my daily life. Sharing these experiences and practices not only normalizes them for me but also for those around me. The gradual acceptance and understanding in social settings encourage me to open up even more.

“The more I talk about it with people, the more normal it becomes.”

Embracing Authenticity

Stepping out of my comfort zone and sharing my true self is a continuous journey. Each conversation, each interaction brings a new layer of authenticity. It’s not about grand revelations but about showing who I am, bit by bit. This authenticity is how we contribute to the world, using our unique gifts to make a difference.

Thank you for being part of this journey. Embrace your true, authentic self, and share your light with the world. Much love, and I’ll see you all next time.
