Hello, beautiful souls, and welcome to another episode. I’m David, and this episode is on a big shift that I made in my life, and I wanted to discuss it with you because I think there’s really valuable information in this.

Most of my life, I’ve always been going towards a goal, going towards something, and always in the rushing mode and the pursuing mode instead of the living mode. What I mean by this is that I was really pursuing my goals as something that was in the future instead of something that’s already happening now. And I think that’s where I’ve made a really big shift.

Embracing the Present Moment

Right now, I am working for a client, so I’m doing some project work on a freelance basis, and also I’m doing this. This feels like my calling. Surprisingly, the other part actually also feels like my calling. I’ve always kind of neglected it, thinking it was just a necessary evil that I had to do to enable me to do things like this. But it has a role in my personal and spiritual growth.

A Journey of Personal Growth

I’ve had many entrepreneurial ventures, and this current phase is just one of them. It didn’t start as an adventure, but it will become one. I’m very certain of that—that’s how it feels right now. The work I did before was more about paying off debt and making necessary money. This approach kept me in a constant state of waiting for the future to “really live my dream life.” But living with the mindset where the next moment will be the one where you start living your life keeps you perpetually stuck in waiting mode.

A Shift in Perspective

When my freelancing stint ended, I had a buffer, and for the first time, I didn’t have to do anything anymore. Everything fell away because the work commitments disappeared. I just had to focus on my hobbies and passions, which was on my radar in a different form before, but now, it took center stage.

I wasn’t brave enough to fully embrace it earlier, but now, I am closer to myself and farther away from the opinions of others. That’s another major shift. Staying close to yourself makes this process easier.

“Your goal is to live your true, authentic self.” — Bashar (Daryrell Enka)

Hearing this was an aha moment for me. If you are not living your true, authentic self, you’re actually depriving others of your unique gift. My limiting beliefs and comfort zone were holding me back from giving my gift to those who need it.

The Timeline Shift

In the last two months, close to my timeline shift, I moved to a new timeline where I’m basically living my best life. This doesn’t mean there aren’t any challenges. Challenges are part of your story and they exist to teach you something.

Challenges might seem negative in the current moment, but they aren’t negative in the long term. If you zoom out on your timeline, you’ll see that something really bad was actually a blessing in disguise. Instead of being down or depressed, view challenges as opportunities for growth.

Handling Challenges Differently

The process won’t necessarily be easier, but your handling of it will improve. With a different mindset, it feels less hard because you’re leaning into it and dealing with it. You take responsibility instead of playing the victim.

Shifting Your Perspective

If this video has been valuable to you, please give it a thumbs up. Let’s keep this channel growing—like or subscribe to the channel. The first 111 people on YouTube, and those on the podcast who can easily prove it, will get a 90% discount on my new product. The name might still change, but for now, it’s the 1111 Timeline Shift Meditation.

You can find it on my website davidjepane.com. Leaning into feeling “working for a boss” but as a freelancer was another shift for me. I dove deeply into my numerology and discovered my life path (22) and soul urge—to build stuff—which I love doing.

Rediscovering Joy in Work

Starting my own business took a toll because of strict deadlines and keeping clients happy, which removed the joy from the building process. Now, I’m back enjoying and expanding my skills and feeling the joy in programming, freelancing, and entrepreneurship again.

Embrace Your True Self

If you’re feeling stuck in life, I can offer a quick reading. I’m presently doing free readings on Telegram, but that will change. You can hit me up there, and I’d love to discuss it.

Giving back in this regard feels satisfying, and it’s important to dive deeper into methods that resonate with you—be it numerology, astrology, or human design.

Finding What Works for You

Discover what makes you tick and what works best for you. It might require stopping or starting some habits. For example, in my human design, I’ve learned not to make promises because it does not sit well with my type. I need flexibility, which is why freelancing fits me.

Understanding Your Own Path

If you need stability, maybe a stable job is better for you than freelancing. Understanding what type suits you best can make a significant difference in your satisfaction and productivity.

Final Thoughts

This video wasn’t initially planned. I intended to record another, but this topic felt more urgent. Embrace your true self and acknowledge your journey—each step brings you closer to living your best life.

Takeaways from this video:

  1. Live as your true self.
  2. Dive into methods that resonate with your personal growth.
  3. If you know what makes you tick, follow it courageously.
  4. If you’re not doing it yet, find the courage to start.

If you need any help, feel free to hit me up on Telegram.

Thank you so much for reading. Much love, and I’ll see you next time. Bye!
